My Publications
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Conference Publications
H. Clausen, G. Grov, and D. Aspinall
CBAM: A Contextual Model for Network Anomaly Detection
Computers 10.6: 79 2021.
[PDF]@article{clausen2018bayesian, title={Bayesian Activity Modelling for Network Flow Data}, author={Clausen, Henry and Briers, Mark and Adams, Niall M}, publisher={World Scientific} }
H. Clausen, R. Flood, and D. Aspinall
Controlling network traffic microstructures for machine-learning model probing
EAI SecureComm 2021.
[PDF] [Project Page]@article{clausen2018bayesian, title={Bayesian Activity Modelling for Network Flow Data}, author={Clausen, Henry and Briers, Mark and Adams, Niall M}, publisher={World Scientific} }
H. Clausen, and D. Aspinall
Examining traffic microstructures to improve model development
IEEE S&P workshops, 2021.
[PDF] [Slides] [Project Page]@article{clausen2018bayesian, title={Bayesian Activity Modelling for Network Flow Data}, author={Clausen, Henry and Briers, Mark and Adams, Niall M}, publisher={World Scientific} }
H. Clausen, G. Grov, M. Sabate, and D. Aspinall
Better anomaly detection for access attacks using deep bidirectional LSTMs
International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (MLN), Springer, 2020.
[PDF] [Project Page]@article{clausen2018bayesian, title={Bayesian Activity Modelling for Network Flow Data}, author={Clausen, Henry and Briers, Mark and Adams, Niall M}, publisher={World Scientific} }
H. Clausen, D. Aspinall, M. S. Gibson
Evading Stepping-Stone Detection with Enough Chaff
International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS), Springer, 2020.
[PDF]@article{clausen2018bayesian, title={Bayesian Activity Modelling for Network Flow Data}, author={Clausen, Henry and Briers, Mark and Adams, Niall M}, publisher={World Scientific} }
H. Clausen, R. Flood, and D. Aspinall
Traffic Generation using Containerization for Machine Learning
DYnamic and Novel Advances in Machine Learning and Intelligent Cyber Security (DYNAMICS) Workshop at ACSAC conference, 2019.
[PDF] [Project Page]@article{clausen2018bayesian, title={Bayesian Activity Modelling for Network Flow Data}, author={Clausen, Henry and Briers, Mark and Adams, Niall M}, publisher={World Scientific} }
H. Clausen, A.M. Adams, and M. Briers
Bayesian Activity Modelling for Network Flow Data
Data Science For Cyber-Security, World Scientific, 2018.
[PDF] [Project Page]@article{clausen2018bayesian, title={Bayesian Activity Modelling for Network Flow Data}, author={Clausen, Henry and Briers, Mark and Adams, Niall M}, publisher={World Scientific} }
Rmetrics Portfolio Dashboard
A Portfolio Design and Optimization Environment in R
Rmetrics Summer Workshop 2015
[Slides]@phdthesis{Pont-Tuset2014, author = {Jordi Pont-Tuset}, title = {Image Segmentation Evaluation and Its Application to Object Detection}, school = {Universitat {P}olit\`{e}cnica de {C}atalunya, {UPC} {B}arcelona{T}ech}, year = {2014} }
Solver Horse Race
A collaborative project between ETH Zurich and OLZ & Partners, 2015
[Slides]@MastersThesis{Pont-Tuset2009, author = {Jordi Pont-Tuset}, title = {Automatic extraction of the camera point of view in Football scenes}, school = {Universitat {P}olit\`{e}cnica de {C}atalunya, {UPC} {B}arcelona{T}ech}, year = {2009} }
Other Publications
H. Clausen, and D. Würtz
Portfolio Optimization with R/Rmetrics
Rmetrics Association & Finance Online Publishing, Zurich, 2015.
[PDF]@article{clausen2018bayesian, title={Bayesian Activity Modelling for Network Flow Data}, author={Clausen, Henry and Briers, Mark and Adams, Niall M}, publisher={World Scientific} }
Written Theses
M.Sc. thesis
A Bayesian Approach to Human Behaviour Modelling in Computer Networks
Imperial College London, 2017
[PDF]@phdthesis{Pont-Tuset2014, author = {Jordi Pont-Tuset}, title = {Image Segmentation Evaluation and Its Application to Object Detection}, school = {Universitat {P}olit\`{e}cnica de {C}atalunya, {UPC} {B}arcelona{T}ech}, year = {2014} }
M.Sc. thesis
Tri-Criteria Optimization for Scenario-Based Risk Measures
ETH Zurich, 2015
[PDF]@MastersThesis{Pont-Tuset2009, author = {Jordi Pont-Tuset}, title = {Automatic extraction of the camera point of view in Football scenes}, school = {Universitat {P}olit\`{e}cnica de {C}atalunya, {UPC} {B}arcelona{T}ech}, year = {2009} }